In this post I will discuss grains, such as the typical acne lesions as it is the colloquial language we all know.
Acne, pimples, cysts, pimples
or pustules, but have already passed puberty we are concerned, is always that granite or something more than that, at the
most inopportune moment whatever the time and whatever age we are.
Acne really is an almost chronic disease is difficult to completely and
permanently eliminate it.
In this post I do not pretend to speak of serious
illnesses in adult acne, but the most common, pimples and other lesions that appear more or
less sporadic and more or less large, they may suffer any woman or man in
In this post I will discuss grains, such as
the typical acne lesions as it is the colloquial language we all know.
the grains are formed:
Acne is formed by tallow, grease occurs on the sebaceous glands of the
There is a bacteria that lives in the hair
follicles and pores, is the Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes).
When a hair follicle is obstructed by excess production of the sebum, dead excessskin cells or simply by dirt, together with the bacteria, infection and subsequentinflammation occurs, this causes an immune reaction which
attract leukocytes to remove that infection, which causes the formation of pus
in the pimple or blackhead.And unpleasant aspect of it.
Open comedones or blackheads are this excess keratin and sebum along with dead cells, but not infecting
evolve so do not ignite.
There are different causes that can lead to the formation of pimples or
hygiene, travel, humidity ...
caused by excitation of the sebaceous glands
Inadequate food
of sleep
allergies to food or medicine
of hair follicles
Inadequate cosmetics, hair, makeup
and group B vitamins
effect of the sun
These cause a disruption of the normal
segregation of fat, mainly because of an increase of androgens, such as
testosterone. When the amount of fat cells tend to regenerate more, but when die
costs because coetaneous fat easily loose skin.
This coupled with more fat and skin bacteria
together to cause pore blockage and the consequent formation of acne.
Interestingly, when acne appears this cause
pimples usually appear in the area of the jaw and around the mouth.
Increased cortical, cortical is the hormone that secrete when we
are stressed, cortical is also situated in androgen receptors so also causes
the formation of such skin lesions, for the same reason.
Lack of sleep can also cause acne formation due to increased
stress and fatigue excess cortical formation.
During the pre-menstrual syndrome that is linked the effect of stress (cortisol formation) and an imbalance of sex hormones like during menopause some women
suffer from the problem that the amount of testosterone is higher than estrogen
and also causes the formation of acne.
Pregnancy: Some women have one ACNE outbreak the first
three months of pregnancy.
Syndrome poly-cystic ovaries: this problem can cause acne, weight gain and
even hair as it can often cause an increase in testosterone.
So also all drugs or other products that may lead to increased production of male
hormones will result in the appearance of acne. As can be the case for anabolic.
Medications such as antidepressants, stimulants of ovulation and fertility
processes to supplement lithium used in depression and bipolar depression.
What we eat can cause formation of granites by
the very substance by staff that food allergy or intolerance even rejection or simply by poor digestion of food.
For example, if we eat something feels wrong,
it is very likely that the next day amanezcamos with granite.
There are some topics such as chocolate, are true when really excessive amount because
of its own stimulatory components of chocolate as the xanthenes bases
containing as the bromine and important fatty part containing cocoa butter
which is a fat itself.
So, also fried, sausages for its high amount of fat. Similarly, a too rich in spicy food can cause acne, spicy are more difficult
to digest, inflammation may increase simply by causing vasodilatation.
Many of the processed foods should be limited by the large amount of
toxins they contain, such as toxin can cause acne directly as a reaction of the
organism to these toxins.
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